Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted February 1, 2010 Administrators Posted February 1, 2010 Enjoy 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
K.Dangelo Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 Enjoyed The Clash ,Scaggs and Poling were nothing short of great as usual.The TV title match was well played ,it reminded me of the old WcW TV title matches. Then here comes my old mentor EGOtrip ,who wants so badly to be the greatest of all time in OcW but ......... not so much. The Air and Gaines started out which knew what would be MotY but fell off with too many quick grapples and 3 tylers that almost changed the outcome.The ending was nice but whew it's over lol. Guy vs Mayhem hmmm won't spoil it all it's a gotta watch :D Cool a.. Smythe vs Trips comes with one question ,can we get these guys tested for steroids?Still a good match though.Blood always makes matches alot better to watch. Trance (the next OcW champion) vs Hazard in a ladder match.Everyone knows these matches can go for a long but it was quite entertaining. Then here comes the ME ! The guy who reminds me so much of (in ring)Benoit vs the contraversal Ryder :p.It was one of the more entertaining matches of the night and could have went either way. THE ALPHA ! Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion Kat : 1x BombShell Queen K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted February 1, 2010 Author Administrators Posted February 1, 2010 nice recap without spoiling KD. The ladder match is my MOTN candidate, my favorite part was when hazard self jobbed to the ladder by sliding in and it fell on him. If OCW or E-Wrestling had a botchamania, that would be on it. 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Nathan Gaines Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 My thoughts are a bit sporadic so I'll add more later but I really enjoyed the commentary opener and that entrance was AWESOME!. Secondly I thought the Hostile Letuce match was pretty good it was sorta cool to see someone get a title shot out of the blue but also having that someone be someone that could win it My match with Air. Not one of my highlights here in OCW. Was it a bad match ? No wasn't a clean cut FPR showcase absolutely not, and as two vets of this company Air and I both should have known better. I fell victim to a bit of hovering I feel like, and I feel like Air started to fall in love with his quick grapples and Running grapples along with Taunting. We both tylered at points but I blame a lot of that on the lag. Overall I apologize that both of us couldn't have delievered more because as KD said I was hoping we could had a MoTN type match Leon and Mayhem talking backstage was intriguing and interesting. I do like what's going on there I just hope that it continues to develop and continues to stay relevant. Ryder vs. Aries was awesome. The whole match had that feeling of old school RoH type wrestling. These two both brought their A game and it turned out to be a hell of a match. While I wasn't crazy about Ryder's RP leading up to the match(I just don't have a good feel on Ryder as a face) his work inside the ring definitely helps clear out any doubt that he deserves this belt. As I said more input will be provided later LocoNY911: I hate you with every fiber of my being just looking at your name makes me want to strike my monitor
Jacob Trance Posted February 1, 2010 Posted February 1, 2010 In the match with Hazard, I was lolling for 5 whole minutes when that ladder butchered him.
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted February 1, 2010 Author Administrators Posted February 1, 2010 In the match with Hazard, I was lolling for 5 whole minutes when that ladder butchered him. YES! hahahahahah 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Jacob Trance Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 IceBerg versus Hostile Good match, Hostile started off far too slow, but managed to perk up a little near the end, making a comeback on the purple prince. Decent match, going to give it a 3/5. Gaines vs The Air Gaines looks like a poor man's Shawn Michaels and Air just looks plain freaky, not a fan of either of these caws. Let's see how they play. I marked out for the HBK moonsault spot. Springboard miss, springboard connect, would have been nice if it was a reversal, that's two diving moves now Air has ran away from. That's 3. A lot of spot repetition in this too :( I like Gaines I really do, I havn't seen much of Air since he beat me on my debut. Air gets his sig and does nothing with it, prolonging my agony. Then he finally does, and Gaines starts running around like a psycho. Yet another springboard fail. Air with the apron grapple reversal into springboard spot that I love to see done, nice one. Air has yet another sig, surely it's over now. Nope... More stalling and breaking up peoples offense, match is over. I'm sorry guys 1/5. Trevor McManus vs Smythe Da Wonder From what I've heard this was supposed to be a MOTN contendor, let's see. Here we go, another loose cannon. Not a fan of Smythes attire, but if they work for him it's his choice. Trips is absolutely smashing the hell out of Smythe reversal wise so far, but Smythe manages to beat Trips to the punch and goes ontop. Another long one. Trevor chops the ref to death, random spanish? McManus is holding his head and things are getting interesting, finisher time! He kicked out! Bah gawd! The match continues! Smythe attempts to save himself from the homing ref missile but fails. Comical moment right there. Match really only picks up just before halfway through to be honest. Still very long and still going on... Another sig hit, will the finisher happen? Yes, yes it shall! And another kick out! These men will, not, die! Bit of finisher removing via dragging grapple which I was told it was done simply to get into the middle of the ring, but that was towards the ropes for a few seconds before the ultimate control wouldn't happen. I also marked out for Coheed and Cambria. Turnabout is fair play, another sig connects. Finisher reversal, dear god. ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! LAST SECOND KICK OUT! It continues! Inevitably it ends, giving it a 3.75/5 due to the length, but it was great. Fausto vs Mayhem Not a match, lot of video editing from Mayhem. Kinda nice, yes. Fausto by DQ. 0/5 Match is now a DQ match, two one one begins. Leonheart's attire does not grab me and tug on goodness, it's a sad attempt at the attire I seen created for him. 0/5 for the non-dq match. Fausto gets killed in this non-dq match, towel is thrown in. Jist of it: Fausto no sells, Leon gets left for dead. Alex gets killed. Regan is next to die, also I'm not a fan of Fausto in a singlet. Just my opinion. Aries vs Ryder Please reconnect controller! I have a good working relationship with the pair, play a lot of games, listen to similar music... It's nice to see the single reason GCW was fucking interesting rising to main event not once, but twice in OCW. And a guy that I don't believe should have been there, but performance wise they're pretty even and a reason why I play every day to improve. Both guys are going at it hard, wanting to win, both guys have similar moves, similar styles. Back and forth so far, and I'm at the half way mark. ROLL UP! Kick out! Action spills outside and it's still back and forth to be honest. That's the only reason it's going on so long, when one makes headway, the other fires back. Aries has the first sig of the match, and first finisher now too. Ryder doesn't give him a chance, immediately going on the offence before Aries can even set it up. Ryder on the comeback until he's sent into orbit with a backdrop. Ryder gets a sig but Aries gets ontop of him, no homo. KIP UP! Another finisher gone, if it was actually hittable, Ryder counters the rebound grapple in spinning fashion and gets a sig. Match is swiftly over afterwards BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAAAH, into the shining wizard and this one is over. 3/5 Overall a really good PPV with only really two dissapointments, not counting the matches that never got done. Good job guys :)
Trevor McManus Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Fausto vs Mayhem Not a match, lot of video editing from Mayhem. Kinda nice, yes. Fausto by DQ. 0/5 Match is now a DQ match, two one one begins. Leonheart's attire does not grab me and tug on goodness, it's a sad attempt at the attire I seen created for him. 0/5 for the non-dq match. Fausto gets killed in this non-dq match, towel is thrown in. Jist of it: Fausto no sells, Leon gets left for dead. Alex gets killed. Regan is next to die, also I'm not a fan of Fausto in a singlet. Just my opinion. I don't want to give my opinion away in mere text for since I'm reviewing tomorrow but dear god. This was the biggest pile of trash I have ever seen. Whoever editted it together I will give credit for the time it will have taken, same for recorder. But as a concept if was fucking horrific. At the start we think that it's going to be a squash against Fausto. Mayhem gives us a twist by walking out after he hits his chair shot. That should have been IT. But Guy no sells a conchairto and a finisher from both Leon and Mayhem. Leon looks like a pussy and Mayhem looks like a pussy. Then Guy kills like every heel personality in Leon's little empire. This angle is getting old because Leon's heel 'gang' have NO credibility, they've lost all their power. [23:39] locoNY911: You get solace in the fact you arent a fuck up. 2k9's better than 2k8. Like being shot in the knee is better than being shot in the head. - Guy Fausto [18:40] locoNY911: I mostly aggree with your statements
The Guy Fausto Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 I kinda agree really. All three of us had ideas, but we were rushed cause none of our schedules really match up at all. Short on time made us make bad decisions all around in a rush. The MIAness of a certain non-Hall of Famer roidhead also put so kinks in our plans. But there are still plans I think would work out and I have an explanation of Guy no-selling which will be explained soon enough. Also apparently Trance just wants to see my mantits. :(
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted February 2, 2010 Author Administrators Posted February 2, 2010 Mayhem wins Caw of the Month, he managed to get all his old logos and the graphic that MMM made for him bout 4 years ago on his caw. I marked very fucking hard. /ladder falls on me while i slide in. 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
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