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  • Mark Out! 11
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen

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Maybe I’ll do a review on it this weekend. But I have a lot o have to finish already so don’t put too much faith into it.



Dont stress EMP CHAN!

  • Mark Out! 1
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


First and foremost, the lack of discussion so far this year is disturbing. Let's get the rocks out of our asses and give OCW the time of day it deserves, you fucking fucks. These matches don't mean dick if there's no reason to watch them.






- "Is that you, CubeSmart?" pop. Great idea bringing in the money guy to buy up the lots. Thomas Archer's middle name is Theodore? What a dork. Seems like universe building for now, but these two are too good at what they do to keep this just at arms reach. I will be cheering for Cort when that eventual clash happens, but Colin looking very good in RPs as usual.


Triple threat was a good time, but absolutely not the cleanest affair. A lot of whiffing and targeting tomfoolery around. The story works out imo with FloJo yet again just barely coming up short, but not taking the fall. Now grab this by the horns and do something!


- Mantis continuing his misfortune with Jordan Trance. This has made for a semi-entertaining back and forth so far. Fits where it should be. Not every feud is/deserves to be main event material. Good starting point for both rookies to get some momentum, although it's gotta be said, I read all of Mantis' dialogue as if he's wearing a monocle and top hat. COBBLERS!


- No idea what this Zapme app ad is for, but it got a laugh out of me. checks play store


- More universe building from Archer. He's like the glue holding the kayfabe stories together and getting guys like Derek involved even without TV appearances. I am very VERY worried this may mean Derek is going to possibly play a role in Cort Marshall getting fucked out of the match... Also... 12K for surgery? What the fuck did you do to yourself?!


- FloJo keeping it short and sweet. Unofficial mentor: H2O... Because making H2O your official anything is career suicide. FloJo Supremacist sounds.... dicey. I will indeed stay tuned before passing early judgement.


Colby McCallum quickly raising up my rookie wrestler ranks. Hopefully his dad actually stays retired save for a cameo here or there, because he shouldn't be overshadowed. His matches at Ambition and here had some of the sickest finishes this season, as short as it's been. Fraser just seems like he's kinda there for now, but as a big meaty man to put over Colby, I'm here for it.


- AC COBRA! This Kass apology tour has had some hits and miss. No, that's not a typo. The only miss was teaming with H2O. That being said, AC always delivers and gets a laugh out of me. Looks like both guys spinning their wheels outside of in-ring action but I love the continuity shown and this RP actually serves a purpose, so it works for me.


imma fuck this marisa bitch up


- uhh, this Derek UAE promo is posted twice. Cue the Tom Phillips "Let me take you back to what happened earlier tonight"


- OH MY GOD. What a payoff, of course it's Cort Marshall on Zapme. "Totally Normal Wrestler Stuff!" would make a great shirt. Cort is hilarious. I can't really get this speaking pattern down for IceMan. It might take a few more promos, but it's different enough! I feel I repeat myself on this bit, but Cort and Jehst continuing to interact despite not directly being a part of the title scene is good for continuity, ya dig? Sets up out match later tonight, which turned out to be good, if not frustrating.


- I don't think all those snacks are what El Parca was looking for when he asked for the "goods" in this Lucha Country segment. Someone call the drug dogs. Simple and plain. Gets you excited for the main event. More comradery shown. Checks the boxes.


- ROOKIE RUSH IS BACK!!! Oh boy. We have a nice fresh batch of excellent rookie talent too. Who the hell does Tiberius Dupree even like? SECRETS!


- Jesus *beep* Christ, Empress gives no fucks about your Clark Effect. We're diving right in! Ashley "I'm sorry, I don't understand typos" made me laugh way more than it should. I seem to have forgotten how "give-no-fucks" and vulgar Empress is. Good lord. Also mystery sticky note towards Ashley. Possibly her mystery opponent at Anni?


Not as good as the Colby/Fraser match, but puts Cort over in a big way. I found myself shouting at the screen in the latter part of the match when Marshall refused to go for the kill and kept dicking around baiting his opponent. IceMan would not die, so despite a terrible first half performance, he nearly came back. FINISH THE MATCH COR- oh there we go. Go USA!


- More developments between this new relationship of two rookies Joanna and Morgan Blackheart. Ends on a cliffhanger. We'll need to wait and see more about this dynam-- wait a minute. Dandelion?! This is gimmick infringement! I'm calling UAE!


- My first thought at the second UAE segment was "is this another repost of the Derek one." My second thought was "No Maxx! You just stopped being an Archer stooge!" My third thought, well I can't really explain because I was too awe struck at that fucking poster. Great work. It's interesting, because these could be more long term things, but I'm kinda hoping this just doesn't turn Maxx and Derek into stooges. Especially Maxx, he's already gone through this phase.


I actually liked this John Carter video. The rugged/back to old school gimmick they're running combined with their general aesthetic is just entertaining to me. Carter actually building some hype for the upcoming battle royal! Rookies are doing work son!


- Dumb-onion heel work. The general full-of-shit prick heel stuff from Rust is fine, but I really feel like out of all of the members of Dominion, Rust has had the largest departure of character. Not because he's a heel now, but just... idk I can't really place it. Antonio still has the same kind of vibe to me, Danny's been a heel for a while and Nate is Nate. It might be that Rust has gone back to his way way way back days of cowardly heel instead of his CQC heel days of frustrated/vengeful heel. I'll need some more time to process it, just a thought I had typing this up.


I do like how this one segment tagged all the boxes for Anniversary. Danny vs Parca, the tag team match & (ugh) the world title match.


So here's the deal with Rust vs Mugen. It's Rust Cohle vs Mugen. A legend who has not wrestled in OCW in a very long time (if you don't count Purge Mugen last Lution) and a megastar in OCW brought in against one of our top guys on the roster right now. It's obviously good on paper. Here's what I don't like. All those other matches I mentioned, with KD/H2O and even Parca/Danny (which stretches back further, even)... This WORLD TITLE MATCH has literally 0 heat. We had 1 random P3 promo in the promo room, which if our structure played out in real life, was an internet/twitter exclusive promo, right? Then you're telling me this world title match is built on the back of that online exclusive and ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE ON TV on the go-home show, and yes, I'm well aware that Rust made this challenge on Turmoil a few weeks ago.


H2O and Nate has been brewing since the start of the year, included an in-ring encounter which is very big and Antonio/KD's involvement is obvious. Their feud dates back to last year.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't like this. I'll get into Shep/B17 later and explain why it's different to me, but this is just so disappointing imo. I really do understand it may have been a last minute thing thrown together, but I deserve to be upset that a matchup with the potential of Rust/Mugen had to be slapdashed together last second. You could have had a huge video segment with Mugen coming out to interrupt Rust or come save someone from a beat down or ANYTHING. You have the P3/CQC history this could have used to play up on.


One line on the go-home show and a promo room/internet exclusive is just not good enough. I'm sorry.


Maybe my expectations of a match like Rust vs Mugen is too high because I love both of them so much, but had to get that off my chest.


Just doesn't do it for me. I'm going to chock this up to my own high bar. There are maybe 4 matches on that PPV I'm looking forward to more. Maybe we'll get a feud extension.


Pugh vs Jehst was a great example of why Sudden Death matches are fucking phenomenal. I was heated when Pugh rolling Jehst up, man. Anything can happen! and because it ended the way it did, it doesn't really hurt Jehst imo... Not that losing would hurt him anyway because of his general charisma/overness.


- I'm not going to lie, I read the promo with Nipsey multiple times because I thought I was missing something and I drink a lot, but I felt I wanted to because I was interested. This is the kind of vague bullshit I do too, so I wanted to read between the lines and figure this out. Well, I didn't figure it out exactly, but I'm interested to see more so that I can.


- Yes! Colin also committing to his place on the card and building hype for the battle royal! Matches like these are obviously designed to be rookie showcases, but this is a part of it! You can say "oh it's just a toss in rookie match" but promos are what brings the matches to life. Now I know that the characters of John Carter and Colin Locke actually value this match, which means they will mean that much more. It's fucking wrestling, people. Not just about that though, he also brings it back to his segment and the Archer showdown, which again teases a future encounter. Checks all the boxes once again.


- Ugh, Harvey. "I Am The Captain Of My Soul" is literally the dumbest fucking thing ever. Jokes (they're not jokes) aside, I do appreciate continued continuity between KD and H2O. They go back to Inception and it works perfectly with Antonio there too. This tag match is low-key very well built and I hate to say it, but I'm looking forward to it given the starpower involved and them taking such care in a non-title matchup.


- Doc's entire aesthetic and general vibe do NOT scream babyface, but I've thought about this and it's very interesting. DOC's previous 12 months in OCW have been filled with shitty dealings and heel behavior. His dedication to slight and gradual attitude change based on previous events and not just going "OH YIPPEE IM A GOOD GUY WITH UPBEAT MUSIC NOW" is very cool. He's a baby with an edge. I cannot WAIT for this LHW match. Best build heading into Anny imo. Hopefully Solomon can keep it close.


The MAAAAAIN EVENT. Well. This was certainly a match of two halves, wasn't it? The first half was exciting with both teams having a fun competitive match and even doing their damndest to get some TAG TEAM WRESTLING in there. The second half? Well it consisted of the Hattons' brains turning to fucking mush and not doing anything making any sense. Letting guys tag in and out looked totally silly and helped take me out of it. The match was still super competitive, but those little things, ESPECIALLY from the Hattons kept it from being great. The finisher kickouts and breakups had all the makings of a great title match, but idk. I couldn't comeback from some of the silly easily avoidable things in the 2nd half of the match. Congrats to Lucha Country, I really thought this was the one. Looking forward to see what these guys do next.


- H2O #1 in CWI Magazine? cancels subscription


- The final B17/Shep segment. This is a great go-home segment. It was a short-notice thing and honestly B17/Shep have NO HISTORY, so let's compare this to the Rust/Mugen and explain why this is so much better.


B17 and Shep had a reveal. It had a fun, intriguing story that connected with another story. B17's car was destroyed and based on their interaction earlier in the year, B17 assumed it was KD. That gives the reader/viewer some level of intrigue, then the physical altercation combines with a great reveal when SHEP appears. Now, not every single encounter has to be a huge reveal, but this had exactly what Mugen/Rust was missing instead of


"i want to fight you"


"i want to fight you too"


"okay see you sunday".


Within this final interaction, you get a reveal as to Shep's intentions and his motives. He reveals WHY he wants to fight B17. He reveals what led him to this point. The best heels are the ones that satisfy the viewer with reasonable motivations, but shitty means of doing so. Shep has both. A. I want to be champ and I was discarded after the pride title run. B. I destroyed your car and sucker punched you.


Also within this go-home interaction, B17 cuts a hell of a babyface promo. He also lays out what led him to this point and points to last season's marquee moment turning on Kass as what got him back on his feet. He references matches with Trance, Elliot Parker, Jehst etc. There's history, motivation, story etc.


Then of course the added element of the "Doom Machine" mindset. Shep trying to draw out the loose cannon of B17 to get him to slip up and B17 trying to stay calm and also great, it ends with a great final physical altercation which combines every element and makes you want to watch the match!


You don't NEED physical encounters and even sometimes, not having them is better, but this was done in just as much time and done much better imo. I'm absolutely looking forward to this one.


Not counting the rookie BR, which will be fun for non-feud reasons, here's my heat rankings in order:


1. Doc vs Salami

2. Tornado Tag Match

3. B17/Shep

4. Parca/Watts

5T. Mugen vs Rust

5T. Ashley vs ??? (No immediate build, but could change depending on who it is/mystery element is a wildcard)


Don't let this rant fool you. Rust vs Mugen is always going to be super fun. I can't wait to see what they do IN the ring. That's the one silver lining they have is that their starpower allows for them to get away with a less-than-adequate build.


Anni coming up in just a few days!



  • Mark Out! 10


Forum SignatureFINAL.png


President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo

"Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards


I'll just add on some small discussion toward Jake's overall review.


I have been enjoying the Jordan Trance gimmick of somehow fucking his way up into something. Whether it being bumping into Evelyn or having his hotdog getting shot up then Mantis being like HOW DARE YOU! It's nice to see Mantis doing something, we can see he can write well and when he has someone to bounce back and forth with it's really entertaining! I honestly could see these two taking this all the way up to a PPV match just because of the goofy/sports entertainment value of the feud and hope they keep doing silly things to amplify it up more and more.


I do agree 100% with Jake on his opinion with the World Title feud. I think in reality B17 vs. Shep should main event Anniversary, that match just has a more big fight feel in regards to what is going on between the two men. Mugen, and Rust of course have that star power now I don't know if it's due to time constraints or what but that's why I tried implementing all of the story/world building promos across the Promo Room and all the shows. Even if it were small things such as Rust saying "Fuck you" one show and then Mugen saying whatever he would say afterward it is disappointing to see Rust's first feud kinda slapassed but hopefully the match itself is better than the actual build.


Colin just never ceases to amaze and show why at this current moment he is probably the hottest rookie we have. His gimmick, writing style, and demeanor toward everything is really great. Dude can go in the ring, write a super entertaining promo, and is starting to show us that he can fit in really anywhere you put him. It's funny thinking how he didn't wanna be a jobber and he's probably one of if not the best rookies on the sticks right now so to see where his character development will go from here will be a real interesting thing to see.


Will probably full review tomorrow or the next day after work. That's all for now cya.

  • Mark Out! 5

I'll respond to Jake here about the feud, and we talked about it with Gerald and I agree with your POV. We also did the last segment on the first Riot of the season where P3 interrupts me on the Titantron and all.

As you know and others maybe do also, I like to plan on long time storytelling and feud. What threw me off was the 2 shows build (without knowing there would be a Riot after KOCW) and the ideas were not flying high. Some might say I could have delayed the Mugen encounter and we would totally agree with you. The has been segments on all Riot, Turmoil and Promo room, but we would have like to have more substance to work, which like you said could have been done, and I understand the disappointment.

I'll take the blame on that one cause my creative has no been high on that one.

As for the character developpement itself, I go with the flow of what I am feeling, inspiring myself on what people hate about me, and putting that forward to rub people the wrong way as much as I can. Getting away from the "cool heel" perpective was for me, a conscious decision, cause I really want people to hate the character instead of "he is a baddy" without falling in the goofy stereotype.


All and all, thanks for the feedback.

  • Mark Out! 1

The FrenchBlade



I just couldn’t really keep any momentum. I tried to comeback but, Cort is a tough opponent. Crafty vet and I will admit Not as an excuse but I am rusty (not the French kind)the first half of the match, sorry it wasn’t as interesting or fun To watch as other matches but at least I didn’t panic in my head and start breaking FPR. And I’ll take that as good development.
The Iceman has spoken. Dig It!
I'll respond to Jake here about the feud, and we talked about it with Gerald and I agree with your POV. We also did the last segment on the first Riot of the season where P3 interrupts me on the Titantron and all.

As you know and others maybe do also, I like to plan on long time storytelling and feud. What threw me off was the 2 shows build (without knowing there would be a Riot after KOCW) and the ideas were not flying high. Some might say I could have delayed the Mugen encounter and we would totally agree with you. The has been segments on all Riot, Turmoil and Promo room, but we would have like to have more substance to work, which like you said could have been done, and I understand the disappointment.

I'll take the blame on that one cause my creative has no been high on that one.

As for the character developpement itself, I go with the flow of what I am feeling, inspiring myself on what people hate about me, and putting that forward to rub people the wrong way as much as I can. Getting away from the "cool heel" perpective was for me, a conscious decision, cause I really want people to hate the character instead of "he is a baddy" without falling in the goofy stereotype.


All and all, thanks for the feedback.


I yelled at Mugen in private, but yall could have legit had the end of riot segment video. Rust comes out,

(in heavy french accent)

Rust: Im sick of this shit, im sick of legends, NATE IS THE ONLY REAL LEGEND, IM SICK OF MUGEN

*Lights cut out*

1 Mugen Music hits

2 Top of Ramp Mugen Dance/Screen goes dark!

3 Screen comes back

4 Mugen behind Rust!






  • Mark Out! 2

Welcome to OCW, keep tough skin, speak your mind, and most of all have fun.-Betterness

"I'm going to be brutally honest here guys... all we really need for a good Riot is a few RP's from Our Hero himself... he's an awesome writer!!!" - Smythe

CCWJustinTime: just funny how the shit i do goes un appreciative

[10-01, 00:19] Jookie Marley: fuck u nigga

[09-01, 23:50] Mr.Bentley: uploadafraud.com

[09-01, 23:45] Jookie Marley: what website do we use 2 upload now?

"Summercide was 2 white girls away from being a cook out" - Cyberbully 2099

" makes me laugh how its gone from all ambition era holding the titles, to 3 guys from 07 holding the main titles..haha

welcome to the 'Pensioner Era' - Parker

"This is all part of my plan to equalize the playing field until we have a roster of people I can actually BEAT" - Bobby Digital

I yelled at Mugen in private, but yall could have legit had the end of riot segment video. Rust comes out,

(in heavy french accent)

Rust: Im sick of this shit, im sick of legends, NATE IS THE ONLY REAL LEGEND, IM SICK OF MUGEN

*Lights cut out*

1 Mugen Music hits

2 Top of Ramp Mugen Dance/Screen goes dark!

3 Screen comes back

4 Mugen behind Rust!







Well.. Yes totally.


Let's call this build a brainfreeze.

The FrenchBlade



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