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  • Mark Out! 6
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


Ahoy from our favorite pirate!:


Baxter just normally dropping a heavy ass chest on his crewmate's foot made me chuckle too hard. First he wants everyone to hurry up and then the minute my man sees that camera on him it’s all bets are off -insert crying emoji here-, the biggest takeaway from this though is it once again seems like Mantis has just poofed on another one of his feuds. Although that is quite disappointing, NOW we get to see a new tag team emerge? -insert eyes emoji here-


Chaotic Start to Turmoil [Vid]:


At first, this did just seem like a promo to be there just for visibility purposes. But some of the things Rust was going on about really did intrigue me, what do you mean by destroying the CCW Championship? But also, some of the points he made about DOC aren’t that bad. We did see DOC and Tony go at one another in this blood feud and while of course friendships/relationships CAN be reconciled and repaired it does make you wonder IF DOC has any hidden motives. Tony obviously isn’t gonna take the shit so my mans came out and had to throw mittens, it’ll be interesting to see how/when the whole “destroying the CCW Championship” Stuff will unfold.


Terra & La Mujera:


Lowkey felt some fat-shaming vibes in this, if that is what Mujera meant by “condition” then damn family. It’s also weird watching Terra struggle between the light and dark but not in a bad way. It feels like you are genuinely watching someone who has tried correcting their course, has tried seeing the wrong in their ways, get their progress shoved back on them by those they first made suffer. Mujera is just a leech trying to absorb all that negative energy and make Terra embrace the darkness. I wanna know where this will eventually lead but seeing these two clash words just makes me excited.




What a performance by CUTLASS, good lord! Also, I can’t and won’t get over the fact of how Cobra went from this gamer to absolute fucking chad. Everyone went and hit the gym and got some freshly acquired drip which is just so funny but also great to see. We got a new team to emerge and now we will get to see how Dead Zone will bounce back, I’m sure the Sanctum lads are watching.


Tony is HEATED bruv:


Quick, simple, and gets the message across. Rust is a very fragile, insecure man, and Tony is gonna batter this man at Chaos Theory. I have a sneaking suspicion that this won’t be the end of the shenanigans until Chaos Theory though.




Pretty standard rookie vs rookie match. The outcome we all know did end on an FPR break but I mean it is what it is. Atlas was told about his goof up and the matter ended there. It did however feel good to see Deaver get slammed on his head like that.


Claudio is going SOLO! [Vid]:


I actually really like the idea of Claudio going solo, not that QC Connect was bad but (peaking behind curtain talk go away if you don’t like this) Ry having so many characters did at times take the shine away from QCC cause it was a duo operation. Now that Claudio is by himself it can give him that time to actually grow and hopefully get some opportunities his way! Also damnit, bring back STARDOM! This isn’t the E, we don’t just make people lose their names!


Sue is sad and I don’t like that:


Sue no!! I will stab all the internet bullies for you :(, this is why we hate Kasstianity and all the shamers in the world. Making poor Sue be insecure and sad like absolute fugn animols. I hate it here!




Man what a debut for the kid right? Mans knows how to work a match and also got the pleasure of working with the most handsome man in OCW. Seriously what a treat, I’m very curious to see where Phenix goes, he showed a lot of promise in this match and now I’d like to see him write some more and explore more what his character is about and who he is. But nonetheless, this is definitely one of the better rookie debuts we’ve seen thus far on the game for its short time thus far.


Ross breaks and enters on the low key:


I’m sorta torn on this whole dynamic. On one hand, I do dig it because Ross said he isn’t done with CG until he says so, but on the other hand, mans was LITERALLY just about to retire and sorta gonna fade off. My issue with this is the fact he’s a rookie, we’ve had the conversation before of oh you don’t gotta say you’re retiring, just leave/just disappear. Now obviously that doesn’t work for this angle, but for my own liking, I’d probably just have not even done that stuff in the first place. The dude has now gotten your closest protege involved, and her kid. You can do the stereotypical good guy vs. bad guy and it’ll work. But who knows, guess we will wait and see how even further it unfolds.


GOAT Academy Review! [Vid]:


These are some of the coolest and most creative things I’ve seen since being in OCW. Not everything has to be super elaborate or spent 1200 hours on with editing, this is such a cool thing Aries & Lee have got going on. This brings a much more sportslike feel to OCW and validates that this is where the best of the best compete cause you gotta be the best in the match to win. Now while I’m not fond of who he reviewed cause they all stink, I loved the premise of this video and the first one he did as well. GOAT Academy by far is one of the more intriguing things going on in OCW at this time.




Man Marcus has lost some SERIOUS muscle mass, like my dude went from absolutely RIPPED out of his fucking head to now looking sickly. On the real I’d go back to the drawing board and adjust his body because he looks night and day different and not in a good way. The match on the other hand was a pretty solid match. I have a feeling Marcus definitely came in with a lot of pressure on him cause his TWC boys are coming off a loss, Marcus himself was the #1 pick for the Walk Through the Fire tournament, AND Marcus is STILL undefeated in one on one competition. Mans pulls off the dub and now we got a bit more of an edgier Colin who swears and wants out! This dynamic between him and Trance will be interesting to see how it fully unravels because the aftermath of it will be more important than what they are doing now to see just how Colin, as a human in our universe responds to all the torture and antics Trance put him through.


Flojo segment/ Flojo vs. Bobbi:


Mind games are trying to be played on the OCW Women’s World Champion and I wonder if they will prevail? Flojo has gotta be feeling the pressure now of being the champion as Kasstianity starts to close in on her. I wonder how her match tonight will go? Oh Jesus Christ she murdered her! Bobbi is dead already Flojo stop it! If you’re gonna have your women’s world champ on TV that is definitely what you want out of her. She clearly showed right now on the surface at least she isn’t gonna fold to the mind games of Furiosa. It’ll be interesting to see just how much more sick and twisted shit they’ll attempt on Flojo to snap her psyche.


Maxx & The GOAT!:


This by far is my written segment of the night. I love when two of my favorite writers come together and just create some good fugn stuff. Seeing Stephen’s side of things regarding Colby really does shine a new light on things, at first you’d think the man sorta abandoned his son but in reality, he wants nothing more than to have his son back. PLUS! We see how Maxx didn’t want these things to escalate as far as they have and I mean cmon, how can ya blame the poor guy? He had to watch his granddad's grave get pissed on for a misunderstanding. It truly does seem like a UAE implosion is happening before our eyes and lord knows who will be left standing after it all settles.


DOC & Harvey’s odd interaction:


It may just be me but why do I smell some sort of resentment brewing inside of Harvey? Could he finally indulge in the fact that everyone hates him and maybe now he’s seeing it? Questioning why DOC didn’t help him or perhaps why he didn’t come back sooner is interesting to speculate on. On one hand, it makes you wonder was DOC ignoring what was happening to Harvey? Or is Harvey in his bag right now because the last six months of his career have been quite tumultuous. Gotta keep an eye on these two that’s for sure.


OWEN perhaps strikes a nerve w/ Cort!?:


I want to see this rematch. I want to see this rematch, give me this rematch, please make the rematch happen. Did I say I want to see the rematch? The idea of OWEN essentially poking the bear that is Cort is fun. I want Cort to embrace the man he was once on the cusp of being, right when he had the Future Investment briefcase and was on the edge of greatness. I want to see that Cort go up against the rookie destroyer OWEN. OWEN has been bodying his fellow rookies and showing he is a standout star in the making, and if there is one way to try and get yourself a rematch against a man who bested you, it’s definitely by poking the bear when he is still licking his wounds.




Solid back and forth match and just constant meat on meat violence. The match itself was fun and very entertaining to watch, some of the after-match stuff though on the other hand, I thought was a bit off. Why exactly did Derek take so long to get to the ring and then attack the wrong man? Why is this about the North American Championship between CG and Ross when Ross took it personally and went into someone you cherish dearly house? The meh feelings I am getting are more so in line with how some of these people are being portrayed, I don’t expect everything to be told or explained within one show let alone one video, but to see Derek go from this big dick head who did what he wants to now sorta being a face? I don’t know if I’m buying it because how can you go from one end to quick to the other when it just doesn’t feel organic.


All in all, this was a pretty good show. I’m gonna go on a limb and say not the best show we could’ve put on, I don’t know if this weekend was a busy weekend for a bunch of people but it did seem a little light in the VP & in the stream itself. But, I do appreciate everyone who did put content on the show and this is why I wrote such a long review, mainly to appease Jay but also since I do have the free time to do it. I know Chaos Theory is around the corner and I am very intrigued to see what matches do get announced for that show so I do hope people start to ramp it up and hit all cylinders so we can keep churning out the best PvP/hybrid content we possibly can. Cool thanks for reading bai.

  • Mark Out! 8





Joe Deaver vs ATLAS




PHENIX vs. Gonzalo Munoz




Colin Locke vs Marcus McMichaels




Bobbi Baddi vs. Lotus Flojo




Mark Reese vs. Alastair Ross




Best Video Segment: Goat Academy

Best Written Segment: Ross B&E

"Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART"




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Rust gonna talk mad shit again huh. LEL
 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix


"Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff


Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got

Our Hero: uploadafraud.com

Jookie: fuck u boricua


"I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda


OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh

"I'm 5,9" - Ry

"I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen


Ross breaking into a house: subtle, implicit threats to children


Rust breaking into a house: subtle, implicit threats to your mother

  • Mark Out! 2

Christian Garcia:


1x North American Champion


Jasmin Kaffee:


1x World Women's Champion

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