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I laughed hard at Cruz attire. I still hate you faggot.



...and I will always hate you Girly Emo Faggot.


Also...from the looks of KD vs Ryder someone needs to disable their Xvid/Divx Codecs in WMM for the green bar to fuck off.



Page 1 is freakin gold except another damn chair shot!


Page 2 Damian rp reminded me of this guy who wrestled in ecw,wcw,wwe and tna well it was pretty good anyhow plus you and Cruz put on one hell of a tables match but I only saw 2 sigs and no finishers except the ending table one no matter great match guy!

Oh happy days are here again Nate YOU ARE THE GREATEST! LOL Somebody I promise is gonna bleed and get broken at Damnation!


Page 3 started with a knuckle shot then half way through the tag match my video went out and I have clue who will be bald but I got clue ,and Trips/Trina don't worry bout lacing your boots worry about taking mine out of your mouth!



Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion

Kat : 1x BombShell Queen

K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion

Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion


You both think you stepped into the big leagues but the reality is that you have no idea of the world that you stepped into.


At Damnation I WILL retain my world championship. You can both bank on it.



[23:39] locoNY911: You get solace in the fact you arent a fuck up.


2k9's better than 2k8. Like being shot in the knee is better than being shot in the head. - Guy Fausto

[18:40] locoNY911: I mostly aggree with your statements


take this image where ever you go!




Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion

Kat : 1x BombShell Queen

K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion

Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion

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