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Originality wise I saw some great stuff from this show. Enjoyed the Mayhem, Leon and wont include other names for surprise purposes, but thought each promo done for this feud was very well done.




Lmfao at the polaroid! Mayhem can multi task.....looks like Mayhem ran over Mayhem! Congratz man..that's some feat!


2 x Hardcore Champion (Longest defending OCW champ,19 defences)

1 x NA Champion

1 x Pride Champion

1 x TV Champion

2 x OCW World Heavyweight Champion

F.I Winner 2012

MOTN vs Leonheart @ Wrestlution 7


'Don't worry about no one else, hows my hair look' - Tiberius Dupree

'Wipe you ass and go to bed' - Sensation to B17

Not watched the show yet but I want to thank Hazard for recording for me yet again. he gets a lot of stick around this place but he really does put in work when it comes to helping people out with the show.



[23:39] locoNY911: You get solace in the fact you arent a fuck up.


2k9's better than 2k8. Like being shot in the knee is better than being shot in the head. - Guy Fausto

[18:40] locoNY911: I mostly aggree with your statements

Really enjoyed the matches and rp's very good.I still don't like my matches that end sigs unless the match been going on forever.Mystery guys did great.RP of the night goes to Smythe and MotN was a toss up B.Hostile vs Bax and Gaines vs mystery man



Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion

Kat : 1x BombShell Queen

K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion

Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion



Bumper Edition Featuring Special Mystery Guest



[23:39] locoNY911: You get solace in the fact you arent a fuck up.


2k9's better than 2k8. Like being shot in the knee is better than being shot in the head. - Guy Fausto

[18:40] locoNY911: I mostly aggree with your statements



Bumper Edition Featuring Special Mystery Guest


This review is fucking AWESOME... and yes you two sound exactly the same.... but it's funny and at least you two are channeled to opposite sides so I know who is talking...


and YES... as explained at the top of the RP the crowd CHants Judas's name to taunt him as he is heel....


and YES Smythe is Over enough for the crowd to chant his name...


AWESOME review tho... felt like a true review show...

Signature 1 - The Alpha Heel

Signature 2 - Spear 5 (F) - Stargazer


Finisher 1 - Flapjack 2 (F) - The SDW

Finisher 2 - Reality check (G) - Dawonderful Dream


Finisher 3 (i'm cool enoigh to claim 3 moves) - The Darkside - THe Million Dollar Dream


Regarding what Trance said about my music:


1976 by RJD2 itself is a mixture of 2 songs; Istanbul by Cora and Un amor original by Sophy. The Latter being a well known Puerto Rican singer...therefore the song does fit with Cruz's mexican (Latin American) background.


Its amazing what you can find on teh interwebz :D


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