Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted October 15, 2022 Administrators Posted October 15, 2022 Very Very Spooky! 9 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
theSolomonCaine Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 The "Sanctum Buries The Wrestling Club" video seemed very weird. I don't see the purpose of a five minute chronology of TWC matches filled with weird comments like: "Aisu would later join TWC. LOL." This could've been cut-down and turned into a text promo, the second to last quote had some character to it. There's definitely also a discussion to be had about building your opponent up in wrestling and not burying them for burying's sake. If there's ever a Discord beef moment worth calling out in OCW, it might be this one. 9 Solomon Caine, Harris Turner, and Roy Brown 1x CCW International Champion, as Solomon Caine 1x OCW Light Heavyweight Champion, as Solomon Caine 2nd Place, 2021 S-Cup Tournament, as Harris Turner
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted October 15, 2022 Author Administrators Posted October 15, 2022 The "Sanctum Buries The Wrestling Club" video seemed very weird. I don't see the purpose of a five minute chronology of TWC matches filled with weird comments like: "Aisu would later join TWC. LOL." This could've been cut-down and turned into a text promo, the second to last quote had some character to it. There's definitely also a discussion to be had about building your opponent up in wrestling and not burying them for burying's sake. If there's ever a Discord beef moment worth calling out in OCW, it might be this one. Weird is a polite way of saying asinine. 4 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Shianne Lovelace Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 But how could we possibly call ourselves digital professional wrestlers if we weren't always trying to bury one another?! That's like, rule number one in the digital pro wrestling gamer handbook! :cool: Although a little unnecessary, I enjoyed the video for what it was. I mean heck, it was a video about TWC and somehow I felt like I was in a majority of it! :o:o:o Paid in exposure, b! Show was solid overall, I think. A step up from the last Riot for sure. Chris Greene | Shianne Lovelace | Harper LeRoux | Hifumi Mayoshi
Pugh Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 Whoever did the Sanctum promo is a fucking dolt. There is no way to slice it differently. It doesn't just feel weird, I'd rank it as one of the biggest missteps I've ever seen in OCW. From a purely wrestling logic, kayfabe standpoint (as Caine points out above) if this was building a match then maybe it had a minimal amount of merit, but to my understanding that doesn't seem to be the case. But for argument's sake, let's pretend we're building a match. A) If Sanctum are so much better than TWC, what's the point in having the match? You've shown us, with stats, why they're not going to beat Sanctum so why the fuck would we watch the match? We already know the outcome, case closed. No asses in seats. 3 minute squash match. B) If TWC were to win this match, then there's no coming back from that for Sanctum. They've discredited their opponent so spectacularly there that a TWC win basically spells the end of Sanctum's own credibility. C) If we're to consider these two teams the best in the division, and there's such a gulf in ability, then you're exposing a weak division. In your role as champion you're supposed to build up your opponents/division so that its more impressive when you dominate said (seemingly strong) division. But there is no match, right? It's not mentioned elsewhere on shows, so there's no ongoing feud? So that must mean then I'm looking at something different - I'm looking at whoever created this video not having a grasp on what OCW fundamentally is. Now, I'll preface this by saying that I've done petty shit myself in OCW - namely WL8 where me and Parker wrote a promo shooting on people, not based in kayfabe. That was dumb. That was something that I regret to this day. That was something I am sorry to Trance and Aries for. First the context of this video demonstrates something that I keep saying but nobody listens to - thirsting for wins makes you look stupid. Making a 5 minute video where you've had to do fucking RESEARCH for no other reason than to try and highlight that someone hasn't won that many matches is fucking stupid. It's extra, its ridiculous and its one of the silliest things I've ever seen done in OCW. Not to mention it was done without the permission of half of those involved. OCW is not about wins or losses, OCW is about having a compelling character who has interesting feuds. Its about teamwork to create an entertaining wrestling show at all times. This doesn't create an interesting show, this exposes disharmony in a way that makes no logical sense on a wrestling show. If I were an outsider thinking of joining OCW, how do you think I'd react to this? I bet not favourably, it feels (and I hate this dumb word) "toxic". Thank your lucky stars its not 2013 and I'm not GM - I would've closed down the division based on this one promo. What makes this more stupid is that a week ago Jay was asking for everyone to pull together, same direction, and make OCW a happier place to be. Apparently whoever made this video either didn't get the memo or thinks they are bigger than OCW. Sanctum are not bigger than OCW. An outsider looking in's view is that they're champions of a dead division. If you don't like Rust or John or whoever, cool, but a 5 minute hit piece that isn't even trying to build a match is a terrible way to express that. If you want to be considered a main eventer in OCW, this is the kind of bush league shit that will get you further and further away from that goal - and trust me on that, because it happened to me when I was talking shit on shows back in the day. For me, this video was a waste of the effort that was put into it, and disrespectful to the time of the people expected to view it. Both in and out of kayfabe it fundamentally undermines the person who made it, and I hope you fucking apologise to the community for your bone-headedness. I said it last week, I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it. OCW is great if you work together, behaviour like this makes people not want to be here, which in turn will kill OCW. So grow up and show it, and Jay some fucking respect. Or go hang out with Chet in the badlands. Idiots. PS Scotty X looks ridiculous in a good way. 14 No.
Christian Garcia Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 I get that we're not supposed to like TWC in 'kayfabe', but this level of OOC burial is ridiculous. Did we not just have a big PSA about stuff kinda like this? There's a time and a place for 'burying' your opponent (in character), I fully admit I've gone a little harder than I should on one or two of my opponents in promos. If you're facing someone people really like, it's an alright way to get some heat on you, especially if you put on a really good match, and ESPECIALLY if they manage to beat you, everyone will come out looking good. But this is excessive. This is personal beef gone wrong, gone too far. This is someone, in particular, being biased against TWC and trying to sabotage them. That's the only way I can see this being made, as an executive decision. I could be wrong. It could just be a misguided idea to try and build something up. I have a hard time seeing it that way. 2 Christian Garcia: 1x North American Champion Jasmin Kaffee: 1x World Women's Champion
El Parca Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 The premise of the Sanctum video was rather simple. It was a callout to TWC who time and time again have not removed Sanctum from their mouths. Marcus, John, and to some small degree Parker* (when he was in TWC) they would always mention the team and about how we are “ducking” them. While I do see the point of it’s not your standard Wrestling 101 of building up your opponents/division it does lead into the inevitable match that the two teams. Now should we have possibly discussed this with TWC? No. Because I’m not gonna spoil the results of the tag title match before it comes out. While I disagree that the video is weird/breaks kayfabe/or is “toxic” I feel like it should be given more time. We also had a promo on the show where you could see the frustration building up (especially with Sheldon) so I get where the feedback is coming from. I think it’s being written off too quickly as a “discord” beef or as something bad. Just faith trust and pixie dust really. But valid discussion, OWEN killed the video and I think it’s a great start to something with TWC.
Joe Deaver Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 Idk the whole TWC gets buried because they barely have any wins thing was pointless. The Believers had no momentum nor wins and got the title match. All it took was me being a complete child in kayfabe to piss them off. Now it looks like Sanctum are the children. Did I like the video ooc sure, I thought it was funny because we are supposed to hate TWC and they shouldn't get a title match because f em. It just kinda felt pointless. Yall can spin this if you wanna be complete dicks in character and go the way of being the cocky assholes, but rn it looks petty. 3
Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted October 15, 2022 Author Administrators Posted October 15, 2022 The premise of the Sanctum video was rather simple. It was a callout to TWC who time and time again have not removed Sanctum from their mouths. Marcus, John, and to some small degree Parker* (when he was in TWC) they would always mention the team and about how we are “ducking” them. While I do see the point of it’s not your standard Wrestling 101 of building up your opponents/division it does lead into the inevitable match that the two teams. Now should we have possibly discussed this with TWC? No. Because I’m not gonna spoil the results of the tag title match before it comes out. While I disagree that the video is weird/breaks kayfabe/or is “toxic” I feel like it should be given more time. We also had a promo on the show where you could see the frustration building up (especially with Sheldon) so I get where the feedback is coming from. I think it’s being written off too quickly as a “discord” beef or as something bad. Just faith trust and pixie dust really. But valid discussion, OWEN killed the video and I think it’s a great start to something with TWC. And to outline my disappointment with this stupid video. All 3 should have known better, it's honestly quite baffling. This is why I don't trust anybody because I can't trust people to do the right thing. In a world of Beheadings, Bank Robbery and numerous dumbshit in the OCW History book this isn't even top 10. But it is boneheaded because I thought we was well past this level of petty bullshit. On top of that this reminds me of the old country where ppl would go out of there way to "mess with" others. More importantly it reminded me of the snake shit that happend to the Ambition Era back in the day with the main roster trying to sabotage them. But hey what the fuck do I know "Let it play out" I've heard that fucking before. 2 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Pugh Posted October 15, 2022 Posted October 15, 2022 “Let it play out” was literally Chet’s calling card. You boys need to stop sniffing your own farts and start looking at what is right in front of you. This mean girls shit has hit whole new levels from what I can see. The video wasn’t well made. A smarter person could’ve made these points and not spent 5 minutes doing it. It’s the Valmont beat down of shitty text promos. Bottom line is, if you’re starting a feud with someone, they should be aware of it. Since they’re not, that excuse holds no water either. You did something fucking stupid, accept the criticisms, apologise and don’t do it again. Simple. 7 No.
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