Administrators Mr.Sensation Posted August 19, 2023 Administrators Posted August 19, 2023 Drago 8 15-06, 18:20 Tiberius Dupree make him tap with brownie mix "Booking Wrestling is the most thankless no-win position anyone could ever be in. When things go well it's the talent that makes it work. When they go badly, it's because the Booker doesn't know what he's doing." - Eric Bischoff Jookie: what website do we upload to againi for got Our Hero: Jookie: fuck u boricua "I'm like Smythe, except Good" - Matsuda OCW works best when it’s a melting pot of different ideas and opinions coming together to create some cool ass shit. It’s at its worst when people are only invested in their own/their pals’ content." - Paul Pugh "I'm 5,9" - Ry "I'm sorry if this sounds mean but OCW shouldn't be allowed to vote" - Jake Allen
Quartz Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 Hey everyone! We've got The Werdz for ya, hope you enjoy! I will be back to post more thoughts later! 2 President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo "Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards
Christian Garcia Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 The Drago Show, featuring Drago and Dragana 3 Christian Garcia: 1x North American Champion Jasmin Kaffee: 1x World Women's Champion
Quartz Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Oh hey, I'm back. You guys are great. These shows get longer and longer every week, but when our best are begging for activity and presence and effort, when we have a full roster doing that, it's gonna make our shows huge sometimes... and tbh, the Summercide go-home deserves it. Onto the show. DNS claiming Drago can't fine them bc they pearl harbored Jim on private property stooges lmao Harper ambiguity is interesting, liking the effort to get a new character over. Same for Hifumi. Admittedly tough as a booker to deal with this situation, but all we ask is for effort and by god we're getting it. I'm loving both characters as rookies finding their way right now. Chey gets it. (Also jesus they took no liberties with the taxi driver lmao) was glad to see Alyssa back this week, the space between things is- there, but I thought it faded away until I saw this. Alyssa did well tapping into the dissention in the family loved the situation for parca and boulet, parca playing up to the loner vs altruism mentality that Karmine and Blouet have talked about Wondering if this patient for Dr Langley is the same as the masked man he met with last week RE Sheldon? Bash is improving week by week, Shouts to JynX and Mad Dawg too here. Bash is so good at scene setting. Bash crafting his character so well, but I can't help but to read more of these and go "Okay... What's next for BASH then?". The promos are really well done and really do a great job at establishing who BASH is, but without any real resolution to this Camp Liberty thing so far - and yes I am being impatient - I want to see some real forward momentum here. I think the time for these establishing promos is waning, we need some development! The overarching DNS stuff helps a LOT to keep them all relevant. BASH does best what most rookie factions never do, continuing to stay front facing and relevant and CONNECTED. there's never a time where we don't associate them with one another. I just want some more directed interaction with BASH in feuds and such. I want Camp Liberty resolutions! I love Dragana Cesar, between 301 and RIOT 608, the morally and empathetic methods Dragana is trying to use to train continues to make my heart cry. Sheldon has foregone assumptions of alignment and is really going for it in this story, which say what you will about Kasstianity and his associates, but for this story, there's no other way to be than this valiant heroic figure. He's leaning into it well without necessarily abandoning his loyalty to the church. EMP/Spider/Dupree and their office stuff, with everything Drago is doing with the roster, it remains a consistent highpoint for me week after week. It's P3 bullshit at it's finest. Coupling absurd unrealistic cartoon behavior with shit you can actually emotionally invest in (which we do as we have seen), can't say enough. I love it so much. Otherwise, Jay's new production habit of airing these go-home segments then putting the animation of the PPV match after is a CHEFS KISS. It goes to show how we're all a well oiled machine, we know big go home segments are coming (as Wrex and Doc had in werds format, just like Wrex did for lution, amazing show of build in text & video combined.) Video wise to recap my shrieking in VP: I loved the handicap match, what a shock how entertaining that ended up being. A little questionable about Marisa and FloJo opting for a bikini contest given how soon we just had that happen, but I trust Marisa and Flo to make it entertaining. Segment of the night, maybe of the year so far was the tag team contract signing, motherfuck when those two get in their bag there is nobody more entertaining. They just get it, they understand comedic timing and what we wanna see. Might not be best for casual viewers. but honestly, I do not give a shit. Claudio's several commercials paying off to us learning they went broke was amazing. B17 and Rust is a match I didn't know I wanted, but they're fortunate to live off a dream match billing, because this build left a lot to be desired. That said, these are the reasons you build up this kind of equity, so you can take it a little easier, + you always need some emotional nuetral points in shows to even things out. The Aisu v Aisu thing was actually surprising, Bolek was not on m ybingo card. AJM rules, I can see her shooting up the card super quick. I cant wait for Tre vs Iceman, they actually surprised me with the level of nuance in this segment. Tony and Pugh sells itself, but they did a great job selling it anyways. Pugh doing the resiliant babyface thing was very weird for me, but given his standing and time between his last heinous action, it works. Pught's Turmoi l301 promo really sold me on this fact. I hope/wish Danny Watts cared about OCW because he's good enough to do cool shit as a character and handler. Appreciate Elliot in this, it's still been fun to watch even with the ? around his partner. The main event kicked so much ass. Kent said it in chat "Most hated vs most loved" and it was felt here. Jay's confusion watching Aries superkick was great, Aries ability to play right into the things he's hated most for somehow makes him more endearing, intentional or not, I respect the hell out of a man who can take as much shit as he took - while it was 100% deserverd and he made the wrong call, twice - to not just take it in stride but use it as a weapon to entertain me, I can't get mad at that. They had just enough time to turn me around on Sheldon and Aries and I think I'm here for it.... As long as Sheldon wins. Thanks yall! Comment! Cmon! you don't need to do all this! Just 8 seconds. OCW Numba won. We all know that. Let's make sure everyone else here does. 6 President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo "Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards
Christian Garcia Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 I was high as a kite while this show was going and the forum ate my first post so now I'm pissed off. May add more to this later, here's my late night hazy thoughts. Sheldon- I still do not have much love for Aries being in the world title picture so soon after an utterly ridiculous twist that he pulled. However, while Aries has at least brought me around to heel heat thanks to his stellar playing up of that disconnect and using it to fuel his promos, Sheldon has improved LEAPS and BOUNDS since his time in sanctum, and it shows. He's really come into his own in many ways, from promos and writing to voicing his own character and the quality of his in-ring work. Regardless of the results, I'm happy to see that Sheldon has flourished in such a manner. I look forward to seeing more of the guy, especially if he retains. AJ Miller has won me over immediately, which doesn't surprise me. With the women's division currently the widest open it's been in quite some time, there's plenty of new names waiting to assert themselves. Perhaps a few months down the line we see AJ making a run for that big white belt. Wish Danny stuck around. Assuming from his recent absences and his way of speaking about them he really just doesn't ahve the time for OCW anymore. Nothing to be ashamed of there, but it's always a bit of a gutwrencher for me as a fan of most of the content every week when I know that these big pops are just that- a one-time pop. If Danny does prove me wrong and makes a full time return, I will be an extremely happy camper indeed. I'm curious as to who the 'patient' is now, as they seem to have cast a pretty wide net in a short time. Flojo vs. Marisa? Inject it into my fucking VEINS. Considering one of these women, IMO, should be competing for the title, and the other has the briefcase to do just that, seeing these two women lock up as I KNOW this bikini contest will end in violence, has my little jehsticles a-quivering. Gotta agree that while the Bingo-Rust build hasn't been the most scintillating thing in the world, not every match needs to have life-or-death stakes or be deeply personal to move the needle. It just needs the right characters. Recently dethroned world champion Rust has done pretty much everything you can do in OCW except, MAYBE, and I might be wrong, be International Champion. Probably has done that and I just don't know about that. Bingo is a scalp, the same as any other big 'up and coming or current star vs. grizzled vet' PPV match we might see on TV today. Says what it needs to say, does what it needs to do, and sells itself in spite of lacking the deeply personal storylines many other feuds on this show have. Matches were just all around solid, but I have to go back to AJ Miller again. Excited to see her in the main event of Ambition and see what's in store for the karate kid. #Icemandidnothingwrong 5 Christian Garcia: 1x North American Champion Jasmin Kaffee: 1x World Women's Champion
Quartz Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Rust has done pretty much everything you can do in OCW except, MAYBE, and I might be wrong, be International Champion. Probably has done that and I just don't know about that. Hes not international, hes French 3 President and leading member of the Paul Pugh Fan Club. We love KidEgo "Choose Tmust" - Maxx Edwards
Administrators BASH Posted August 20, 2023 Administrators Posted August 20, 2023 I always enjoy the show every week. With that being said it felt like a big go home show in a lot of ways. A-Mart got a win with his new friend Parca and told his old tag team partner might be the most technically accurate way of describing that off. This is the first show I have seen Aries wrestle on that wasn't watching old youtube matches. He still looks as competitive as anyone on the roster. The whole web that group is spinning continues to intrigue me. Drago is the star of the show in a lot of ways. Fantastic to work with even though he fines people for actions that take place on their own property. I am sticking to that defense Jake Allen. Whether it is upholding the law of the land in OCW or trying to resolve the space issues that our group of general managers have. I have really enjoyed reading, the old Nintendo games are a great touch. Bringing back up Paul Boulet again, he had a lot of involvement on the show. Brian said this on The Werdz but some of the best written content I have seen has come from Cort/Paul at this point. Paul Boulet continues to push Viktor Karmine and I want to see these guys go at it again. The addition of the North American title to the picture is awesome. These are two guys who regularly have been seen on Ambition, and I could not be more excited to see how this goes down. Deaver and Quartz was an interesting match with a fantastic finish. Deaver had the advantage of surprise on his side each time he attacked Quartz. Not the case when you are wrestling in a match. The numbers game finally caught up to Deaver, it will be interesting to me see whether this continues to be theme throughout the rest of the feud or if Deaver has/makes a friend to go storm chasing with. Another very interesting part of the show for me was Christian Garcia and the interaction he had specifically with Sheldon. We are all aware of his relationship with Jasmine, but it shocked me where he turned for help in this situation. It seems like there is a bond forming there. This all ties together to the other segments on the show with Doctor segments as well. B17 and Rust Cohle is just a match I want to see. These are guys who have great matches at the top of the card since I have been here. I understand there is some history there, and Rust wants to prove he beat Bingo when it counts. These two built a meaningful match in a short period of time and this match should steal the show at Summercide. Really happy for Bolek being on Summercide, he was not on the list of people I expected to be under that mask. He had just come off of the rivalry with Chance so he kept himself busy with a quick turn around. Aisu coming off of the surprise loss of his title will not be underestimating Aleksander Bolek. Amy Jade Miller is a kick ass character who I personally love because of a shared background. Future women's champion, you heard it here first. Excellent first win, and impression. Claudio being broke and needing to beg JCS for his job back had me laughing quite hard during the live stream. I wonder if Claudio is done or if JCS is going to give him another opportunity to not do that. What type of scumbag would attack a fan or staff? DNS is such a special group of guys, they all work so hard for us to be able to do what we do. Great work by Samsin and Mad Dawg this week, they are on fire as a tag team. 4
Samsin Simsin Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 I was at work unfortunately, so I caught up late. There's much to unpack for this show.. ..and I'm lazy. Loved the show. Awesome work by all parties involved. A couple surprises are always enjoyable for me. Stand out Segment props to Maxx Storage and Future Idiots... if I can belt out in laughter to myself over it, I love it. off to sleep I go 2 Gamertag: SAMSONSIMPSON88 PSN: SAMSIN88SIMSIN Time Zone: Central ☆COLD FRONT☆
B-17 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Hey, you guys are right. Rust and I could have had a better build. I don't disagree at all. I've jumped from match to match and have likely developed Bingo's motivations more than the matches themselves. That's on me. It is a distinct lack of focus on my part in an attempt to appease as many people as I can. Rust has been great, very understanding, and flexible for me. I appreciate that stupid French Fuck. Moving forward, I will do better at the less is more thing and reign my focus. 4 "Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART" *I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE MY PROFILE!*
B-17 Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 Hacking an NES system has to be more challenging than hacking modern-day technology. I do enjoy the whole DarkNet thing. I know Jake doesn't like it when you use real life to compare, but it's very Dark Order pre-heppi order days. We don't have too much dark in OCW; it just seems overly dark doesn't last too long. Why is that? There are a few examples of it working well. But Darknet isn't too dark, and that is good. The rp went on too long and could have been better served by interrupting Drago's video games and then next week having Drago respond. Pushes the story forward while saving material. I've been guilty of this too, so I know I'm in a glass house here. Ha. Showed Siddhant going over the top rope. Gravity defeated me, Deaver, not you. Such angry music Jake. I forgot to turn down the volume before I hit play. Idk how I feel about Deaver's attire...Ooo. Sexy first minute of the match. Dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge. Lovely idea with those taunts while holding the kendo. WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A SHOVEL UNDER THE RING!? That could kill someone. DRAGO! I have to say it. Deaver got taken to Sioux Falls City. Gotta learn your move set better, kid. That uppercut miss hurt you a few times. That was fpr break. I wish Deaver hadn't been protected there. HA. Harvey does the stay-down taunt, and Quartz does the get-up taunt. Karmine was on the upswing just as I was leaving. I know nothing of him other than the handler. I admit it is hard to read as the character, not the handler for this. Idk why. 2 "Amatuer cheat hunter, Resident OCWFED historian, Lover of spreadsheets, data and HOI, MASTER OF THE GOKART" *I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE MY PROFILE!*
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