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"Screw Dat!" When did Mayhem become Bobby Boucher? "Team Leon?" That has a worse ring to it than Team Edward or Team Jacob..either way, the people on such teams are Faggots. Lets keep the show rollin...oh but it seems practically everyone one "Team Leon" has a match except Smythe...thats racist.


Why Is KD naming off champions from the E and further back like they were apart of OCW? We have a history of Great TV Champions bro, I'm glad to see you RP but make shit relevant. Next thing we know KD is gonna do an rp saying "Mayhem, I'm coming for you, N-word." Next time name off people like Trips, or Chris Mania who i think had a long run as the tv champion...i think but either way if you want to talk about History use OCW History, but keep rping it's good you are.


Lettuce V.S. KD Pennies(See what I did there?):Did Iceberg get some new tats? They don't look bad. KD has no music and if you turn up your volume you hear, who I'm guessing is ICEberg talking. Stop being lazy guys put music on your stuff please.Makes it a bitch to watch. Alright I'm bored, KD still uses the double kneestrike i hate to see him use, but whatever, Finish looks good, I like the stylization of it. Grats to the winner, i was way too bored to pay attention to every little detail but it was just a match, i didn't see much cheese.


Fausto is quite the funny man, Trevor needs to stop being so bullheaded, Your name used to be Trips which I assumed stood for Triple Threat so yeah stop your whining man.


See that little story that tranny whore did was so wrong, this isn't gonna last. cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc cfc Cfc CFc CFC! (my equivalent of chanting spear)


Hallows intends to be the future of OCW...I would blab on like the rest of the Forum and say the future looks dim, but hey I'll bite, show me what you got Hallows, I'll be watching.


Spoonman V.s. Air: Anyone remember Poe's Version of Spoonman? It was dandy. I like Spoon's look, he always does some good work on his Caw...Air's arms look ridiculously huge. I like that he has his own look, but he doesn't look Ex. I wish I could find a song i could stick to like these guys have. Is there some reason none of these matches have sound? Solid Quick Match, I saw no fpr breaks, For the winner I don't like that sig on you, just my personal oppinion but i always thought you were a more finesse guy and that seems like a big move for you, but of course i'm just offering my oppinion.


The Manipulative Fausto and a lazy RP...by that i mean you didn't make sure all the format was taken care of...but still Main event work is developing, it's a guarantee and i'm glad it's not going anywhere soon.


Don't Take the Crocodile Dundee, Burn down their Yacht! Thats what I'd have done...ah it's good to remember the past. But seriously glad FI buildup is happening. Alyson changes the spelling of her name Mid RP...I would have stunnered that "chicken" (Bentley) back in the day too. Someone should get her in line.


OOOH OOOH What rookie can Tell Me who Johnny D Is, if you can I'll give you a Lolli.Gaines has some chops on the Mic. haha Hazmat...I feel like I created that nickname for him, seems so long ago, if I didn't then my apologies, but i remember him whining about it a while back mainly at me, but it's all good now, I appreciate his drive. back to Hostile and Gaines oh and now Wesley, the Ex Division has a Wall of txt RP thank you, i'm glad you're putting in the work. Oh shit theres Knox too. Good RP Team, read it guys. "Greatness"(Bentley) Should be cited as well, remember that Wesley, Gimmick infringment will put your ass on the back burner like Tax evasion did for another Wesley we all know....Snipes if you're a soddin bafoon.


See guys all throughout the show you've been seeing Fausto's hijinx and each culminates, this is called developing a story, this is how RP's used to be on the shows all the time, guys having three or four rps everyshow, and I really enjoy this type of thing, almost more than some matches. now the art of it is to learn not to blow your load all at once. Keep people hanging, keep em interested. Take note from the Pro's so we can really be the future. I was seriously thinking exactly what Fausto said in the RP, so obviously the previous ones are leading to the right conclusion, i like the path.


Uh Oh's I see some Foreboding...Leon and Valmont are up next, Outer Heaven is must be the pussiest part of Hell if it's housing these guys. JK JK I

<3 Team Leon, I Hope they run a Train on Bella in outer heaven!!!!!!1111!1!1!ii ....If you're not getting my sarcasm, I want you fuckers to come up with a better name. Good RP.


Valmont V.S. Leon: I mark for Leons entrance theme, wow there's music on this match, thats new for this riot show. Ok so apparently the music is an Issue with the players...idk why but thats what I have deducted sorry for bitching at all you guys earlier. Right and I'm Nate Ortiz..........you'll understand if you watch the match. Good stuff guys solid match obviously.


I'm looking forward to the Womens Division...I'm surprised Smythe and Sasha aren't a couple on "Why Did I get married too." (It's not Racist, it's called a Target Audience)


Exercising Fausto? No one Believes that. Just like No one believes in Jesus. Oh wait...


So I downloaded the main event and still no music? is that the april fools? Fuck you if So. Mayhem is a beast.


Mayhem V.s. trevor: This match was academic.


HEY HEY! IS THAT STUFF REWINDING? Yeah I just ruined that for you guys who couldn't figure it out on your own. PIP! OMG ITZ TEH BATMAN. Two birds one roider. Watch the after the match stuff, it's pretty good.


2009 Season:

Singles Record:3/2/0

Tag (Including Handicaps):0/0/0

Gimmick Matches:Trip.Threats:0/1/0

Championship Matches:


Career Achievements:

Dual Champ.

Best Feud Nomination in 2008


Why Is KD naming off champions from the E and further back like they were apart of OCW? We have a history of Great TV Champions bro, I'm glad to see you RP but make shit relevant. Next thing we know KD is gonna do an rp saying "Mayhem, I'm coming for you, N-word." Next time name off people like Trips, or Chris Mania who i think had a long run as the tv champion...i think but either way if you want to talk about History use OCW History, but keep rping it's good you are.


Lettuce V.S. KD Pennies(See what I did there?):Did Iceberg get some new tats? They don't look bad. KD has no music and if you turn up your volume you hear, who I'm guessing is ICEberg talking. Stop being lazy guys put music on your stuff please.Makes it a bitch to watch. Alright I'm bored, KD still uses the double kneestrike i hate to see him use, but whatever, Finish looks good, I like the stylization of it. Grats to the winner, i was way too bored to pay attention to every little detail but it was just a match, i didn't see much cheese.


Picking up on three points here.


1) Chris Mania was never TV Champion.


2) I played the exact music I was sent by KD. None. Not my job to go find your music.


3) There was music on the match so I dunno what you're meaning there.



[23:39] locoNY911: You get solace in the fact you arent a fuck up.


2k9's better than 2k8. Like being shot in the knee is better than being shot in the head. - Guy Fausto

[18:40] locoNY911: I mostly aggree with your statements

Nice show ,looking forward to Title match at Lution



Dorien Arnaud :1x Ambition Champion, 1x hardcore champion

Kat : 1x BombShell Queen

K.Dangelo : 1 TV champion 2x Hardcore Champion 1X North American Champion 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x Pride champion

Espado : 1x Light Heavy Champion

I enjoyed the show definitely some good points but it wasn't a strong strong Riot. Stuff is slowly but surely building which I like. Gotta agree though team leon makes me think of all those teen love battles where people take sides

LocoNY911: I hate you with every fiber of my being just looking at your name makes me want to strike my monitor

Picking up on three points here.


1) Chris Mania was never TV Champion.


2) I played the exact music I was sent by KD. None. Not my job to go find your music.


3) There was music on the match so I dunno what you're meaning there.


1) Don't know.


2) There's a thread.


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